Happening Now
January 13, 2025
to May 12, 2025
Singers Wanted! Sing a diverse repertoire in a choir that is all energy and heart!
The Maccabeats have entertained and inspired hundreds of audiences worldwide, from Alabama to (New) Zealand and everywhere in between.
Using nothing more than the unadulterated human voice, a clean-cut presentation, and a little Jewish humor, this unique group of singers connects with fans of all backgrounds and ages.
Save a Child’s Heart has been dedicated to saving lives and repairing broken hearts for nearly 30 years. During the ongoing war, Save a Child’s Heart will treat Israeli casualties and patients and support the emergency, wartime needs of the Wolfson Medical Center while continuing our lifesaving work of treating children with congenital heart disease around the globe. Find out more
Groups and Subscribers SAVE on Service Fees Call the box office at 416.366.7723 or 416-932-9995 ext. 224
Prices: $20, $36, $50, $75 – Plus HST and services fees. Partial tax receipts given to $36, $50 and $75 tickets.
George Weston Recital Hall
Meridian Arts Centre