Happening Now
January 13, 2025
to May 12, 2025
Singers Wanted! Sing a diverse repertoire in a choir that is all energy and heart!
Do you have an exciting project brewing but need help presenting it clearly? Learn what makes a great pitch in this writing workshop featuring Michael Fraiman, director of podcasts at The Canadian Jewish News, and Orly Zebak, co-founder of the Jewish arts magazine Niv.
This workshop is ideal for artists, creatives, and cultural workers. You’ll learn what makes a good pitch, the best way to pitch and present your project, and what media professionals look for—all while gaining confidence in your presentation.
We’ll also have time set aside for schmoozing so you can connect with fellow Jewish creatives.
Free, registration required. Click here to register.
Please register by February 18
Light refreshments will be served. Kashrut observed.
Michael Fraiman is an award-winning journalist and podcast producer who has been published in Men’s Health, Foreign Affairs, The Globe and Mail and Maclean’s Magazine, among others. He is the founding director of The Canadian Jewish News Podcast Network, an audio collective that has drawn more than 1.8 million downloads since its launch in May 2021. Michael lives with his wife and two small children in Niagara Falls, where he sits on the board of the Niagara Falls Public Library.
Orly Zebak is the managing editor at Brick, A Literary Journal, and cofounder of Niv magazine. She writes, plays, and makes things in Toronto.
Supported by: CANVAS, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Kultura Collective
In partnership with: Miles Nadal JCC, Canadian Jewish News, Niv
Miles Nadal JCC, Canadian Jewish News, Niv, CANVAS
Miles Nadal JCC, Room 318, 750 Spadina Ave.