Happening Now
January 13, 2025
to May 12, 2025
Singers Wanted! Sing a diverse repertoire in a choir that is all energy and heart!
Our favourite musical director, Mark Camilleri, and his beautiful, talented wife Louise celebrate Valentine’s Day with the wonderful songs of Gershwin, Sondheim, Kern, Motown and many more.
Nothing is more romantic than the gift of beautiful music in the comfort of your own home.
Patrons who purchase a ticket will have 72 hours to enjoy this wonderful Valentine’s Day Concert. Tickets are $25 per household (including HST).
For more information, please call 416-932-9995 x224 or email our office at info@hgjewishtheatre.com.
If you would like to add a meal to your concert, please consider a special Valentine’s Day Kosher meal from our friends at F+B Kosher at https://fbkosher.com/vday
Order Deadline: February 10th, 4pm
Contactless Delivery: Sunday February 14th, 10am-6pm | $10
Virtual theatre