Happening Now
December 1, 2021
to December 1, 2025
The OJA offers Elementary Level Workshops to bring the archives into your classroom, as well as University Level Workshops with a focus on information literacy workshops.
Celebrate International Women’s Day by Honouring Dr. May Cohen
Join the OJA on Monday, March 8, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. as we celebrate “The Fabulous Dr. May Cohen”. Prior to becoming a powerful advocate for women’s health and the advancement of female physicians, Dr. May Cohen and her husband, Dr. Gerry Cohen, ran a successful medical practice for twenty years in the heart of Toronto’s Bathurst Manor community.
In conversation with Dr. Paula David, clinical, educational, and intergenerational expert working with elderly Holocaust survivors and their families, Dr. May Cohen will share her experiences practicing family medicine in Toronto’s first Jewish suburb. In the mid-1950s, the Manor became home to young Jewish families (including the Cohen family!), many of whom were newly arrived Holocaust survivors.
Click here to access this program.
**to access this program be sure to register for a free account on the Virtual JCC’s online platform.
The Gender Lady: The Fabulous Dr. May Cohen
Canada, 2018, Cheryl Levitt and Barbara Lent, directors, 47 minutes 18+
The film will be available for FREE from March 5 through March 8
Link to access film: https://vimeopro.com/cfmdc/oja
Password: CelebrateMay
Dr. May Cohen and her husband ran a successful and popular medical practice in Toronto until 1977. Dr. Cohen became a powerful advocate for women’s health and the advancement of women physicians. This documentary, selected as an audience favourite at 2019 TJFF, celebrates her life and radical achievements.
Get in Touch with the OJA!
Were you a patient of Dr. Cohen’s? Do you have a special anecdote you’d like to share?
Contact us at ojainquiries@ujafed.org to share your memories and questions in advance of our conversation with Dr. May Cohen on March 8.
Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, Virtual J
Virtual J and vimeo