Happening Now
January 13, 2025
to May 12, 2025
Singers Wanted! Sing a diverse repertoire in a choir that is all energy and heart!
Cook along and celebrate recipes from households blending traditions and cultures. Sun Feb 21, 2:00 pm: Jewish& Italian Kreplach! Jewish food historian and Hillel Director Sarah Livingston whips up a batch of her family’s famous kreplach, and demonstrates what makes these dumplings Jewish& Italian!
Join us every month as together we build the Jewish& Cookbook – recipes from households blending traditions and cultures! Celebrate Jewish diversity and cook-a-long from your home kitchen or just pull up a seat and watch.
*The ingredient list and zoom link will be emailed to you in advance of the class.
What is Jewish&?
Miles Nadal JCC’s program that explicitly gathers multi-faith, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic individuals, couples and families for Jewish exploration, education and celebration. Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram today!