Happening Now
September 4, 2023
to June 26, 2026
The Toronto Holocaust Museum is proud to offer specially designed resources to assist educators in teaching about the complex history of the Holocaust.
The Dialogue for Descendants (D4D) Symposium exclusively for children of Holocaust survivors (and/or their partners) is a forum for education, discussion and engagement. From childhood into adulthood, the children of survivors continue to experience pivotal moments in exploring their personal narratives in response to this shared tragic history.
The past 18 months during the pandemic has been especially difficult for this cohort. Join us for an online Dialogue Descendants Symposium where we will come together to learn and share.
Participants will get a sneak peek of the Toronto Holocaust Museum now in development, with Executive Director Dara Solomon, the opportunity for special sharing sessions led by leaders in the field of intergenerational transmission of trauma, and a session on UJA’s renewed strategy to combat antisemitism Steven Farber, UJA’s Senior Vice President, Countering Antisemitism and Hate. .
*Exclusively for children of Holocaust survivors (and/or their partners).