February 13, 2025
to May 11, 2025
Elana Herzog, born Toronto, 1954, lives and works in New York City.
The installation will be on view beginning February 21, 2023.
Earth, artifacts, movement and memory come together to form this new installation created for FENTSTER by the artist duo and married couple, Adam W. McKinney and Daniel Banks, based in Fort Worth, Texas. This exhibition is an outgrowth of their film, dubbed “a genealogical dance journey,” directed by Banks with McKinney as dancer / choreographer. They traveled to the places where McKinney traces his roots and where he danced in this site-specific work: Ouidah, Benin; Kraków and Siedlanka, Poland; as well as cities, towns, fields and shores across Arkansas, Missouri, Montana, and Wisconsin. The installation is in dialogue with McKinney’s ancestor, the 16th century scholar, Rabbi Moshe Isserles, and his foundational work: HaMapah, Hebrew for both ‘tablecloth’ and ‘map’. The artists map the narrative of a Black, Jewish, Indigenous Queer man in the United States, who inherits a lineage of genocide, forced migration and oppression; cultures of vibrance, community and resilience; and a past teeming with loss and omissions. In a gesture of release and exaltation, McKinney offers an opening for each of us to dance our own maps into existence.
Presented by FENTSTER together with Prosserman JCC and DNAWORKS as part of a season of programming with the artists supported by Kultura Collective. Follow us here and on Instagram for program announcements.
Prosserman JCC and DNAWORKS
View 24/7
402 College Street
Toronto, Ontario, M5T 1S8